Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our Very first Masterpiece- Peanut Shrimp

recipe from

-Prep & Cook Time: 15 min.
* 2 medium garlic cloves, chopped
* 1/2 lb medium size shrimp, peeled and deveined
* 2 TBS + 1 TBS fresh lemon juice
* Sea salt and pepper to taste
* 3 TBS low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
* 2 TBS extra virgin olive oil
* 1/4 cup of your favorite peanut sauce

1. Chop garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out its hidden health benefits.
2. Peel and devein shrimp.
3. Rub shrimp with 2 TBS lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
4. Heat 3 TBS broth over medium-low heat in a stainless steel skillet.
5. When broth begins to steam, add shrimp and sauté. Stir frequently. After 2 minutes, turn the shrimp over and add garlic. Sauté until shrimp are pink and opaque throughout (approximately 3 minutes). Cook 4-5 minutes for large shrimp. Shrimp cook quickly, so watch your cooking time or they will become tough.
6. Dress with extra virgin olive oil and the remaining 1 TBS lemon juice.
7. Serve with mixed greens and top with your favorite peanut sauce.

-Recipe serves 2


Leti and I have set out to "EXPLORE-CREATE" a new recipe using fresh, nourishing, and DELICIOUS ingredients each week. I'm really looking forward to this experience because a) it will be an awesome way to share a great experience with my sister each week...regardless the distance and b) I will gain much more hands on experience with practical and yummy application of nutritional knowledge in real-life- everyday cooking!

Anyway, I'm kinda tired and I have to finish preparing for my big move to Los Angeles tomorrow (yey my first travel therapy assignment as an OT!excited!) I'll keep it short. ....well short for me. ha :)

Instead of using a pre-made peanut sauce as the recipe calls for, we made our own using fresh ingredients:

SPICY PEANUT SAUCE (from "Garden of Eating" cookbook by Rachel & Don Matesz)
-1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter (yes we like it crunchy! ;)
(important note ONLY 2 ingredients listed on jar: roasted peanuts, salt. RUle of thumb...if you cant pronounce the doesnt belong in your body...that is of course assuming you can read simple words such as salt... or peanut..ha)
-1/2 cup lime juice
-1/4 cup chopped cilantro
-1/4 cup warm water
-1 tsp sea salt
-1-2 garlic cloves minced
-1/2 tsp ground chipotle

** Instead of adding the "peanut sauce" on top of the shrimp AFTER serving, we added it INTO the saucepan with the shrimp (~1 cup of our spicy peanut sauce) along with 1/2 to 3/4 cup of chicken broth.

ONE LAST BUT VERY IMPORTANT THING (also one of highlights)...when a recipe says serves 2....and your dad is a hungry Mexican that just came home from work....please consider that Serves 2 is more like "your dad can finish this as he walks from stove to dinner table"....I quote my father as he looks at the serving size on his plate: "AH Cabron! esto no me alcanza ni pa hecharme un pedo!" HAHAHAHAHAHA
I love my family. I am going to miss them.
If you try this recipe, hope you enjoy it as much as we did :)

i was so surprised at how easy this recipe was and how GOOD it turned out!!!!my job was to cut the veggies (my favorite part of the cooking process) i love hearing the knife cut into whatever is on the cutting board;P but i have a tip for any of those out there that are using a cutting board the size of note pad.....DONT'T DO IT! The raw cucumbers on the top was a really good touch (my idea, bahahah) it made it taste super fresh! but heres another tip, don't get a floppy cucumber that resembles an old mans (insert word here). Get one thats nice and hard and CRISPY. If you have a Papi that eats about three servings, be sure to put a cage around your plate or protect your food with a sharp fork....beacause he WILL try to steal your food. Not making enough food was a minor set back for us...we will learn as we go! Before i go, i have one more tip; if your going to cook with Brenda, make her wear gloves! she puts her fingers in everything:P
Happy Cooking:)